
A gift in perpetuity…

The Spaatz Association offers many opportunities to contribute to existing endowments and establish new named endowed funds with a gift of $50,000 or more.*

What is an endowment?

An endowment is a type of gift that supports Association initiatives over an extended period. The principal of the gift is invested, and a portion of the return is used each year to support an Association initiative (scholarship, grant, or other program) designated by the donor.

Gifts of endowment of $50,000 or more may be named for the donor or someone the donor wishes to honor or memorialize. Donors have the option to make pledge payments for up to five years.

Who does my endowment help?

Endowments support Spaatz programs for an extended period of time, depending on the specific initiative. As a donor, you can designate preferences for the type of initiative to receive the funds, including geographic area and specialization (leadership, aerospace, flight training, etc.) Donors may (if circumstances and timing permit) have the opportunity during the year to meet the beneficiaries of their gift.

Gifts of endowment to The Spaatz Association will sustain our efforts to educate, motivate, and mentor tomorrow’s aerospace leaders…today.

What are the benefits of establishing an endowment?

An endowment ensures your principal gift remains inviolate and invested – allowing it to grow and give indefinitely.

How are endowed gifts invested?

The principal of an endowment is held intact and is invested for growth to retain its ability to provide a steady flow of income to Association programs. Funds are managed by (John need update here). There is an initial modest fee to cover the fundraising and processing costs. This fee has minimal impact on future growth of the principal or payout from the gift.

When will a gift of endowment start to provide funding?

All new endowment gifts to The Spaatz Association, including additions to existing funds, are invested for six months in a short-term interest-bearing account before being invested in the endowment. Interest from this short-term investment is used to support fundraising efforts and other priorities.

After the six-month short-term investment period, endowment gifts are invested as specified by the gift agreement. Subsequent distributions to the benefiting program are made annually.

How is the endowment’s financial performance reported to donors?

In the late fall of each year, endowment donors (or their heirs) receive an annual report of financial performance.

How does an endowment differ from an annual gift?

An annual gift is an outright one-time, tax-deductible cash contribution. An endowment is fully tax deductible and can be named for you, the donor, a family member, or someone special.

How can I make an endowed gift?

Endowments can be made through a variety of giving options either during your lifetime or at the time of your passing. During your lifetime, you can fund an endowment with cash, securities, real estate, or a life-income gift. Also you can create an endowment through a will/living trust bequest or via a retirement plan/insurance policy beneficiary designation.

For more information, please contact the National Treasurer.

* Endowment gifts less than $50,000 are accepted and designated to support the Association’s general fund.

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