Reasons to Join

Why you should join…

Stay connected to CAP.  We will keep you up to date on the latest goings on in the cadet program.

Connect with old friends.  The Spaatz Network (coming fall 2016) and our social media programs allow you to stay connected with old friends, and make new ones as you support the development of tommorow’s aerospace leaders.

Advance your career.  The Association maintains curated lists of post-secondary education and career resources to support your job search.

Support cadets.  The Association provides more than $10,000 in scholarships and grants each year.

Receive The Question Mark newsletter.  This online and quarterly print newsletter (print starting September 2016) keeps you in touch with Spaatzen around the world through news items, in-depth interviews, and features on topical issues.

Keep aware of Spaatz-related events.  Through our Alumni Calendar, you can keep involved with Spaatz-related events and engage with cadets and today’s aerospace leaders.  You can even submit your own events and reach a wider audience.


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