
We want to hear from you!

If you would like to submit content for The Question Mark or the Leading the Legacy newsletters, contact our communications department (using the form at the form at the bottom of the page), or mail it to us directly.  Include your award number, if applicable.  Items are subject to editing for style, clarity, accuracy, length, and propriety.

Receipt of items will not be acknowledged.

We are actively looking for submissions on…


Spaatz Award Presentations
Send us your pictures and brief stories for the website.  We are looking for both new and old awards.  Our goal is to archive a photo of the presentation for EACH Spaatz and Falcon Award given, even if it was 40 years ago!

Spaatzen in the News
Are you in the news?  Send us a link and we will republish it (and try to get permission to archive a copy of it) on the website.

Spaatzen in Action
Submit brief stories and photos concerning Spaatz-related or Spaatz-funded activities or achievements.

Spaatz Stories
We are always looking for true accounts of Spaatz-related experiences that left an impression (400 to 450 words).  Pictures encouraged.

Spaatzen Books
If you are a Spaatzen who has written a book or an e-book bearing an ISBN or ASIN, submit a nonreturnable copy (or a link to a downloadable e-book) with a brief description (no cover quotes); define the book as fiction, non-fiction, or memoir; and include your award number.  Your name, book title, publisher, and ISBN will appear in the online journal under Spaatzen Books, and may appear in one of our print newsletters as space permits.

Your Views
Voice your opinion about items on our website or newsletters in a Letter to the Editor.  Letters may appear in an upcoming online or print newsletter.

Events Calendar
Hosting a Spaatz-related event, submit a brief description including purpose, date, time, location, and hosting individual/organization, and we will include it in our online Events Calendar.

Fallen Diamonds
Are you aware of a Spaatzen who has passed away?  Please notify us so we can update the our Fallen Diamonds list.  Memorialization notes or personal anecdotes are welcome.

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