President’s Welcome


Thank you for visiting our website.  You’ll see we are very proud of our Association, our members, and our program to educate, motivate, and mentor tomorrow’s aerospace leaders today!

Our membership consists of those current and former Civil Air Patrol (CAP) cadets who have earned the General Carl A. Spaatz Award.  This capstone award of the CAP Cadet Program is named in honor of the first Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force and later, the first Chairman of the CAP National Board, General Carl A. “Tooey” Spaatz.  Since 1964, fewer than 2% of all CAP Cadets have earned this prestigious award.

You will find many of our members actively engaged at every leadership echelon in the Civil Air Patrol.  Others can be found in virtually every profession.  Though we are often separated by space, time and distance, we are unified in developing today’s young men and women into the leaders of tomorrow!

All Spaatz Award recipients are automatically members of The Spaatz Association, whether or not they remain members of Civil Air Patrol.  We conduct two meetings each year in conjunction with the meetings of the CAP Winter Command Council and the National Conference.  To stay abreast of our activities, ensure you subscribe to notifications from our website by adding your address in the “Subscribe Via Email” box at the bottom of the page.

Our Flight Scholarships program helps outstanding CAP Cadets in their quest for their FAA private pilot’s certificate.  In this, we seek to commemorate the life of General Spaatz and his love of flying.  Our Leadership Grant program helps fund individual and unit CAP activities that promote aerospace and youth leadership development.  The Association has awarded some $140,000 in scholarships to deserving CAP Cadets and units thanks to donations from our members, our benefactors, and our friends.  We’ve most recently initiated an Academic Scholarship program for those seeking financial support for post-secondary education (college or trade school) for those studying for the aerospace industry or leadership education.

Again, welcome to the on-line home of The Spaatz Association.  Thank you for visiting us, and we look forward to working with you as we develop tomorrow’s aerospace leaders…today!


Janon D. Ellis (Spaatz Award #661)
Colonel, CAP
National President
The Spaatz Association

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